Calling All Cake-Makers!
The Town of Fairfax is having a cake-fest on April 19th!
Here's the scoop:
The theme of the cake is ʻFAIRFAXʼ
Competition is open to all ages groups.
No previous experience necessary.
(donations will be accepted towards the Fairfax Artists-in-Residence Program)
Competitors will be judged within two categories as follows:
JUNIOR—Up to 16 years old
SENIOR—17 years and up
FIRST & SECOND prizes will be awarded in each category
A table space will be provided for your display.
You must bring your cake ʻPRE-MADE & DECORATEDʼ to the Fairfax Pavilion at 10 AM on Sunday April 19th. You will have until NOON to set out your display and make minor touch-ups to your cake. We have no facilities for baking, decorating, or other preparation on the premises so please make sure that apart from minor touch-ups your cake is ready to be displayed with whatever props you require. THATʼS IT!
Doors open at Noon. Prizes will be awarded at 3 PM and cakes will be offered for consumption to the public! Competition over at 4 PM!
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